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It relieves the symptoms of bloating and severe flatulence


Kebene extra

Kebene extra

High concentration, extra effect

Therapeutic indications:

  • Improvement of symptoms of excess gas accumulated in the stomach and intestines as a result of intestinal fermentation during digestive processes. Symptoms include: feeling of fullness, severe flatulence, eructation.
  • kebene extra can be used before the imaging diagnosis of abdominal cavity, such as X-rays, ultrasound and endoscopic examination, in order to increase the visibility of internal organs.
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How does it work?

  • Simeticone modifies the tension in the gas bubbles accumulated as foam, resulting in their disintegration. The gases released from this process can then be absorbed by the intestinal wall and eliminated by peristalsis (the natural movement of the intestines).

This is a medical device. Read the prospectus carefully.

Download leaflet
(PDF format)


Kebene Extra Package Leaflet