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The only*double-action treatment in Romania for the improvement of baby colic.

Kebene ProBaby

product product

Kebene pro baby

Dual action. Complex action.

Simeticone (the active principle)
lowers the superficial tension of gas bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract, making it easier to remove them.

Relieves pain, abdominal cramps and reduces eructations, flatulence.

Saccharomyces Boulardii (probiotic) - protects and regenerates intestinal flora, causing proper functioning of the intestinal system by restoring microflora

Development of transient intestinal flora.

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This is a medical device. Read the prospectus carefully.

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Kebene Pro Baby Prospectus

*Cegedim, February 2021

The only* treatment in Romania for the improvement of baby colic.

pro baby
What are the causes of colic?

The cause of colic is not yet fully known, but studies have shown that one of the causes is that there is an inadequate amount of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora of colicky babies5.

Why Simeticone in Kebene Pro Baby?

It helps the little one to release gas from the gastrointestinal tract1.

It is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and does not interfere with gastric secretion or absorption of nutrients2.

Symeticone helps alleviate pain, abdominal cramps and reduces flatulence1.

Why Saccharomyces Boulardii in Kebene Pro Baby?

Saccharomyces Boulardii Probiotic acts as a transient flora, protecting the intestinal system and determining its proper functioning in order to restore microflora.

Saccharomyces Boulardii is one of the most studied probiotics that has proven its most effective therapeutic benefits3.

The orally administered Saccharomyces Boulardii probiotic achieves digestive balance in less than 3 days and elimination from the intestine in less than 3-5 days after discontinuation of treatment4.


This is a medical device. Read the prospectus carefully.

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1.Product Prospect for Kebene Pro Baby

2.Martindale 2014, Gastrointestinal Drugs, pag 1886

3.The Use of Probiotics in Pediatric Gastroenterology: A Review of the Literature and Recommendations by Latin-American Experts. Pediatr Drugs (2015) 17:199-216

4.Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Evaluation of Health and Nutritional Properties of Probiotics in Food including Powder Milk with Live Lactic Acid Bacteria, October 2001

5.Savino et al. Italian Journal of Pediatrics 2014;40-53 * Cegedim, february 2021