The first combination launched in Romania with Simeticone and active carbon, with double anti-bloating and anti-flatulence effect.
Kebene plus

Kebene plus
Double effect
- Antibloating
- Antiflatulence
Act fast in only

Usage recommendations:
- Treatment of symptoms due to stomach bloating;
- Treatment of symptoms due to intestinal bloating (meteorism);
- Reduction of pain and cramps due to accumulation of intestinal gas;
- Prevention of flatulence and eructation.
Why Kebene Plus?
- The first combination of simethicone & active carbon available in Romania;
- Double action mechanism;
- By combining active carbon with Simeticone, the product provides superior efficacy;
- Quick action in only 15 minutes first in the stomach, then in the intestine.
This is a medical device. Read the prospectus carefully.
Download leaflet(PDF format)
Kebene Plus Prospectus
Data from the product file